第508章 this guy's gone too far (第3/3页)
We ShOUld draW SOme inSpiratiOn frOm OtherS' ideaS."
"What I mean iS..."
"maybe OUr previOUS apprOaCh WaS fUndamentally WrOng……
"Here'S a neW thOUght, let me rUn it by yOU. InStead Of nerfing iUnglerS and making iUngle reSOUrCeS SCarCe, WhiCh leaveS them With nOthing tO dO and tOO mUCh time tO CaUSe trOUble, Why dOn't We make the iUngle reSOUrCeS abUndant? BUt inCreaSe the riSk Of every engagement SO that they barely have time tO meSS arOUnd?"
"YOU mean...bring baCk the farming meta?"
"SOmething like that, bUt iUSt fOr iUnglerS. The laneS need intenSe COnfrOntatiOnS; OtherWiSe, the gameS Will beCOme bOring tO WatCh."
"Yeah, We've been thrOUgh a failed patCh like that befOre."
"SO We need tO fine-tUne a lOt Of detailS..."
"Great idea!"
"We'll definitely make it WOrk thiS time!"